Printmaking: Cow Parsley Reduction Linocut Stage Two

In preparation for my printmaking class I’d cut away the next layer of my linocut, so I could spend the whole session printing, taking advantage of the lovely Albion press. The sound of the press is rather hypnotic - a real mechanical art process - it squeaks and clunks as you pull the weight onto … Continue reading Printmaking: Cow Parsley Reduction Linocut Stage Two

Printmaking: Cow Parsley Reduction Linocut

I went for a walk the other weekend - the sun was shining and finally the hawthorn was in blossom.  I love that the photograph of hawthorn blossom resembles the shape of a heart - totally by accident - very appropriate though, as hawthorn is a heart tonic! Cow parsley is in flower everywhere, but … Continue reading Printmaking: Cow Parsley Reduction Linocut